Posts Tagged ‘how-to’

How to find Twitterers Near You

March 3, 2011

Here’s the latest from EverythingCU, and the first video in the Knowledge Warehouse to give you specific techniques to improve your social media results.

For those of you thinking about jumping in to Twitter, or even those who have started, but haven’t really connected with your community yet, I’ve created the first of what will be a series of instructional videos on how to get the most out of this new communication avenue.

The first one is “How to Find Twitterers Near You.” Check out the preview below, and if this sounds like something you want to learn, click to the order page. Happy tweeting!

Video intro to the Knowledge Warehouse

March 1, 2011

Here’s a video introduction to the new Knowledge Warehouse:

Let me know if you have any questions or comments about it! What would you like to learn about next?

Introducing the EverythingCU Knowledge Warehouse

February 28, 2011

Greetings intrepid EverythingCU’ers!

We’ve got a new innovation to help you out in your endeavors… our new Knowledge Warehouse. We have placed all of the online video tutorials that I’ve shared with you on the discussion in the Knowledge Warehouse, ready for you to view instantly, at any time. All of the videos pertaining to EverythingCU are absolutely free of charge. There is even a new video there called “Under the Hood of EverythingCU” which covers some discussion navigation techniques you might not be familiar with. Once you purchase a video, anyone at your credit union can also access it, and you can watch it at any time since there will be a link to it on your personal profile page.

In addition, I am working on creating a new set of online video tutorials for the Knowledge Warehouse, and these will cover many aspects of social media marketing, including Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn tips. Others areas I can cover, if there is interest, include blogging, podcasting, and videocasting. These instructional videos will be available for a nominal charge, and you’ll be able to watch them instantly on your computer screen as well.

If there are any aspects of social media you specifically want me to cover, please shoot me an email at any time. I’ve been involved in this field since 2005 (or since 2000 if you count EverythingCU as a form of social media), and I’d love to share my knowledge for the benefit of you marvelous EverythingCU’ers.

Check out the new EverythingCU Knowledge Warehouse here! Enjoy!

(If you want to access the Knowledge Warehouse in the future, you can always find it at the Gadgets tab in the main navigation header of this site.)

Video tutorial: CU Marketing Budget Report

October 1, 2010

This video is quite a bit longer, 10 minutes, but it explains in depth the Credit Union Marketing Budget Report, how it works, and some of the many methods of peer comparisons it offers. These comparison pages include marketing budget, loan growth, share growth, PFI, Net Income, YTD Marketing Budget, and more. It enables you to compare your CU to your peers in your state, region, or nationwide. If you’ve never checked out the CU Marketing Budget Report, this video gives you an inside look!

Oh yes, and every page can be exported to Excel too.

And big props to EverythingCU member, (and EverythingCUJungle Fantasy Football League winner in 2005), Doug Ralston, VP of Hermantown FCU in Minnesota for being a great sport and long-time CU Marketing Budget Report user!

Video tutorial: Executive Membership

September 30, 2010

In this 4-minute video, I explain the benefits of Executive Membership, how to order it, and how it works. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me any time!

Video tutorial: Attending a webinar

September 29, 2010

In this 6-minute video, I explain how to order a webinar, and also show you some features of’s unique webinar interface, which is designed to maximize interaction between presenter and attendees.

Enjoy! I hope this is useful, and helps you maximize what you get out of YOUR online community resource! Let me know what you think.

Video tutorial: Personalizing your profile

September 28, 2010

In this 6-minute video, I explain ways to personalize your profile, including uploading pictures and icons, selecting amongst multiple pictures, updating your EverythingCU status, and filling out your bio and survey.

Please feel free to post feedback here, or email me at

Hope this is useful for you, and if you haven’t joined yet, registration is quick, free, and easy! (Only available to credit union employees.)

Video tutorial: Navigating the discussion

September 27, 2010

In this five-minute video, I give some tips on navigating the discussion, including Related Topics, Hottest Topics, downloading documents, and where to switch your viewing preferences from Most Recent at Bottom to Most Recent at Top.

Video tutorial: Starting a new topic

September 24, 2010

Continuing the series of videos on getting the most out of the features of, here I explain how to start a new topic.

Please feel free to post feedback here, or email me at

Hope this is useful for you, and if you haven’t joined yet, registration is quick, free, and easy! (Only available to credit union employees.)

Video tutorials about using

September 23, 2010

Here’s a short, 3-minute introductory video, the first in a series I’m creating, designed to give you detailed instructions on how to use the features and maximize the resources available to you on

If you have any questions or comments; feel free to email me. And let me know what you think of these videos! Also, feel free to tell me what other aspects of you’d like me to cover. Enjoy!

Upcoming subjects I’ll be covering include: How to start a new topic, Navigating the discussion, Ordering and viewing webinars, Executive Membership, the CU Marketing Budget Report, and more. More tutorial videos are on right now, and will be published here soon as well.